Yesterday I finished the sermon series “God’s Amazing Grace” with the emphasis of “Being Thankful for God’s Amazing Grace”. I very much enjoyed researching and preaching this sermon series, and I am truly thankful for God’s grace. God’s grace is amazing!
I am praying for you and your family today. May his mercy, grace, favor and love shine upon you in all you do! God bless, Pastor Jeff Carico First Assembly of God Bristol, VA
This Sunday I will conclude the sermon series “God’s Amazing Grace” with the emphasis of “Being Thankful For This Amazing Grace”. I have greatly enjoyed preaching this sermon series. May God richly bless you and your family as we search together the riches of His Word!
See you Sunday! -Pastor Carico Sermon Reflection, February 19, 2018
Yesterday I continued the sermon series “God’s Amazing Grace” with the theme of “Standing Firm In Faith And Grace”. The writer of the book of Hebrews tells us to hold firm the profession of our faith. We are to show value to our relationship with Christ. We should guard, protect and value of relationship with Jesus. To do anything less is to be reckless, foolish, shortsighted, eventually giving disastrous results. We can have a victorious future if we will hold firm the profession of our faith and stand daily in the grace of God! God’s grace is truly amazing! -Pastor Jeff Carico First Assembly of God Bristol, VA This Sunday I will continue the sermon series “God’s Amazing Grace” with the emphasis being “Standing Firm In God’s Faith And Grace” (Hebrews 4:16). God’s grace is so amazing, so exciting! The grace of God has changed my life beyond what I can explain!
The writer of the book of Hebrews encourages us to hold fast and to stand firm in the profession of our faith. We must guard our relationship with Jesus. Our relationship with Jesus is the most valuable thing in our life, and we must show the proper value of that relationship! I very much look forward to sharing our worship time together Sunday morning! See you in church! -Pastor Carico This Sunday I will continue the sermon series “God’s Amazing Grace” with the emphasis being “Standing Firm In God’s Faith And Grace” (Hebrews 4:16). God’s grace is so amazing, so exciting! The grace of God has changed my life beyond what I can explain!
The writer of the book of Hebrews encourages us to hold fast and to stand firm in the profession of our faith. We must guard our relationship with Jesus. Our relationship with Jesus is the most valuable thing in our life, and we must show the proper value of that relationship! I very much look forward to sharing our worship time together Sunday morning! See you in church! -Pastor Carico Yesterday I continued the sermon series "God's Amazing Grace" with the theme of "Standing In The Grace of God". At the point of our salvation we are rescued from our sins, yet, our humanity remains. Because of this, we must daily stand in God's grace.
Paul tells us that there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Not only will the grace of God provide our salvation, but will grant us the favor of God! Amen! -Pastor Jeff Carico First Assembly of God Bristol, VA This Sunday I will be sharing part three in the sermon series "God's Amazing Grace". The emphasis this Sunday will be "Standing In The Grace Of God".
I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday. -Pastor Carico |
Pastor Jeff CaricoPastor Carico is the Lead Pastor of First Assembly. Archives
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