We are continuing Jesus’ 15 mile journey from Ephraim to Jerusalem for his final observance of Passover. Jesus and his disciples arrive on Saturday at the home of Simon in the village of Bethany for a meal. The guest for the meal include Lazarus, the man Jesus had recently raised from the dead! During the meal Lazarus’ sister, Mary, anoints Jesus’ feet with an expensive perfume, wiping it on Jesus’ feet with her hair. Wow! What an evening!
The following day, Sunday, Jesus makes his way into Jerusalem with an enthusiastic greeting from its people. Clothes were laid in his path, palm branches were waved, and the people sang his praises! Jerusalem came alive with the celebration of the arrival of Jesus! As we pass through this weekend, I ask that you join with our congregation as we retrace the steps of Jesus. Think about his journey. Try to imagine the emotions of Jesus. Try to paint a mental picture in your mind of these events. Thank him, praise him, and walk with him! Our weekend worship services to help remember these events will be: ”Pursuing The Heart Of God” Saturday, April 1, 6:00 PM ”Palm Sunday” Sunday, April 2, 10:00 AM
This week we are retracing the journey of Jesus to Jerusalem as he observes his final Passover. Jesus knows that this year’s Passover will include his betrayal, arrest, crucifixion and resurrection. The Heavenly Father had sent him to earth to accomplish this mission and the time of its fulfillment has come.
Jesus and his disciples are making a 15 mile hike from Ephraim to Jerusalem. Several famous Bible stories occur during this trip: The healing of blind Bartimaeus, meeting Zacchaeus, the story of the rich young ruler, and Jesus’ blessing of the little children, just to name a few! Wherever Jesus went, miraculous and exciting things were sure to happen! There are two words I would like to use to describe Jesus’ attitude during this journey: RESOLVE and PURPOSE. Jesus showed great resolve in that he would not allow anything to distract him from his purpose of fulfilling the will of the Heavenly Father. As we retrace this part of Jesus’ journey let’s learn from his example. Let’s also show great resolve in fulfilling our purpose of doing God’s will for our life! I will join you later in the week for more details of the trip! 🙂❤️ -Pastor Jeff Carico This Sunday we begin our journey to Easter. Walk with us a s we retrace the steps of Jesus as he made his final journey to Jerusalem before his crucifixion and resurrection. The story will never change, and neither will it’s ending: Jesus is alive! Amen!!!!!
I’ll look to meet with you there, 10:00 AM. -Pastor Jeff Carico “Pursuing The Heart Of God” Worship Service
Saturday, April 1 6:00 PM Palm Sunday Worship Water Baptism Sunday,April 2 10:00 AM Good FridayWorship Friday, April 7 7:00 PM Easter Worship Sunday, April 9 10:00 AM “Pursuing The Heart Of God”
Saturday, March 18 6:00 PM Sunday, March 19 10:00 AM “Pursuing The Heart Of God”
Saturday, March 11 6:00 PM Sunday, March 12 10:00 AM |
Pastor Jeff CaricoPastor Carico is the Lead Pastor of First Assembly. Archives
February 2025
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