Sunday we will honor Nation Youth Day and will feature Radiate Student Teen Ministries. Everyone is invited to show their support to the teens of our congregation, and to Youth Pastor Jeff Call. National Youth Day is always a highlight of our yearly calendar, and I know you will want to show our youth how much you care about them!
God bless, and see you Sunday! -Pastor Carico
Jesus spent 40 days after his resurrection showing himself to the apostles and believers. Luke concluded that "many convincing proofs" were shown to authenticate his resurrection. The apostles and believers were thoroughly convinced. In yesterday's sermon series "Many Convincing Proofs", three areas were explored: the empty tomb, eyewitness accounts, and physical interaction with the resurrected Jesus.
These early believers were thoroughly convinced, by what they saw and experienced, that Jesus was physically raised from the dead. I am convinced also. I encourage you today to keep your faith. To stay strong in you devotion to Christ. To remain courageous in your salvation convictions. Yes, he is alive! Amen! -Pastor Jeff Carico Lead Pastor First Assembly of God Church Bristol, VA Following his resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days prior to his ascension, in which he gave many "convincing proofs that he was alive". (Acts 1: 3) These convincing proofs of his resurrection and life will be the theme of my Sunday sermon, and it's title will be "Many Convincing Proofs". I believe this sermon will challenge you, encourage you, and inspire you.
Each Sunday we are believing God for a 1st Century move of the Holy Spirit in the 21st Century church. I ask that you join with me in agreement for this to happen. Come to church Sunday with and expectant attitude. Come excited. Come believing. Come worshipping! See you Sunday! -Pastor Carico Our Easter weekend observance of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has come and gone. It was an amazing week! The events of Easter weekend included Good Friday Worship Service, Via Dolorosa youth cross walk through the city of Bristol, Children's Church Easter event, and Resurrection Celebration (Easter Sunday morning) Worship Services.
The resurrection of Jesus is not an event that is limited to one weekend of the year. We celebrate his resurrection every moment of every day! Yes, He is alive! No matter what the challenges of this day, we do not have to face them alone. There is hope, there is opportunity, and there will be a better day, because there is a risen Savior! There is Jesus! -Pastor Carico Our Easter Worship Services will begin on Good Friday, April 14, with our youth doing a Via Dolorosa cross walk throughout the city, and our entire congregation gathering in the sanctuary for a service of remembrance at 7:00 PM. Our Good Friday worship service is a time of remembering the extreme sacrifice of Jesus at Calvary. At the end of the service communion will be served. Everyone is welcome.
Sunday morning will be a time of resurrection celebration! Our sanctuary worship times for Easter morning are 9:00 AM and 10:50 AM. Everyone is welcome! Hallelujah! He is alive! -Pastor Carico As Jesus rode into Jerusalem the crowds met him with exciting shouts of praise and acts of worship. The Pharisees asked Jesus to silence the crowd, but Jesus refused. Jesus replied that if the people did not praise him, "the rocks would cry out!"
Until now Jesus would not allow the people of openly worship him. He would tell them that "his time had not yet come". But now, on what we call Palm Sunday, as Jesus made his final earthly trip into Jerusalem before his crucifixion, Heaven allows the people to openly praise Jesus. They place their coats and palm branches before him and shout, "Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord"! Yesterday, we as a congregation joined with the crowd and worshipped Jesus! We sang, we applauded, we laughed, we rejoiced, and we worshipped! Praise God, what a day! Let's not allow our excited worship to be limited to only Palm Sunday. Let's keep that attitude every day. Let's do it again today! -Pastor Carico Sunday we continue my sermon series "The Final Trip To Jerusalem". We are walking with Jesus and his disciples on his last trip to Jerusalem for Passover and Calvary. This Sunday we will go with them on Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem as he begins his final week in the city.
I am believing for a 1st Century move of the Holy Spirit this coming Sunday! I ask that you come to church agreeing with me! Come believing. Come expecting. Come excited. Come worshipping. See you Sunday! -Pastor Carico Jesus stopped at the village of Bethany as he approached Jerusalem, having dinner at the home of Simon the Leper. Joining Simon, Jesus and his disciples for dinner were his friends, Martha, Mary and Lazarus. While having dinner, Mary was greatly moved in her spirit, and poured a bottle of perfume on the feet of Jesus, and washed his feet with her hair. The bottle of perfume was worth a year's wages!
I am challenging our congregation to pour out our spirit of worship to Jesus this week, just as Mary did. As we open up out heart and pour out to Jesus our worship, prayer and praise, the Bible tells us that out of our belly shall flow a river of living water! We shall be filled with the Holy Ghost and fire! I will be joining with you in the challenge! -Pastor Carico |
Pastor Jeff CaricoPastor Carico is the Lead Pastor of First Assembly. Archives
September 2024
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