Sunday I will continue my sermon series "Many Convincing Proofs-Pentecost Sunday, June 4". Between Jewish feasts of Passover and Pentecost there was a 50 day period. For 40 days Jesus showed himself in a convincing way to his believers to verify, without question, his resurrection. As Jesus ascended into Heaven following his resurrection he instructed his believers to return to Jerusalem and wait for the promised Holy Spirit. For 10 days 120 believers waited in the Upper Room until the promise was fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2).
The gift of the Holy Spirit is still available for all who will believe and receive. I invite you to be a part of this sermon series! As we celebrate the Memorial Day weekend we will also honor our country and those who service in our armed forces in both our 9:00 AM and 10:50 AM Worship Services. God bless, and see you Sunday! -Pastor Carico
Yesterday's sermon looked at how the 120 disciples spent their time in the Upper Room as they waited the 10 days until Jesus' promise to send the Holy Spirit was fulfilled. Here are some ways were are told they spent their time:
-Prayer and Worship -Unity (Keeping their focus, no divisions) -Taking Care of Business, Electing a New Apostle (Daily cares of life) -Breaking of Bread and Fellowship It is very important that we learn to do well in our waiting! As we await the return of the Lord, take some tips from the disciples in the Upper Room on how to spend our time! God bless, Pastor Carico This Sunday I will continue my sermon series "Many Convincing Proofs-Pentecost Sunday, June 4". This sermon series explores the truth of the Day of Pentecost. You will not want to miss! During the 10:50 AM Worship Service we will also celebrate with those who are being baptized.
I am believing for a 1st Century move of the Holy Spirit in the 21st Century church. I look forward to seeing you in church Sunday. Come excited! Come believing! Come expecting! -Pastor Carico Praise God for the Lord's presence in yesterday's services! I am continuing a sermon series that will conclude on Sunday, June 4, which is Pentecost Sunday. Following the ascension of the Lord the disciples waited in Jerusalem for the "promise of the Father". The disciples were told that they would be baptized with the fire of the Holy Spirit, and the fulfillment of this promise is found in Acts 2: 1-4.
On the Day of Pentecost the New Testament church was formed and launched. The believers became the residence of the Holy Spirit, and were empowered with the gifts, calling and abilities to evangelize the world. The work of the Holy Spirit has not changed and certainly is still at work in the believer and the church today. Our moto at First Assembly is "Experiencing a 1st Century move of the Holy Spirit in the 21st Century church". This is true on the church level, as well as the personal level. Praise God! -Pastor Carico This Sunday I will continue a sermon series that began the Sunday after Easter with a sermon entitled "Many Convincing Proofs", and will conclude on Pentecost Sunday, June 4. Jesus appeared to his disciples on several occasions for a period of 40 days. He then commanded them to wait in the city of Jerusalem for the "promise of the Father".
Acts chapter 2 records the events of the Feast of Pentecost and the fulfillment of Jesus' command. It was a Pentecost celebration much different than what the disciples expected! That Feast of Pentecost has changed the course of all history. It marks the birth of the New Testament church, changed our relationship status with God and the Holy Spirit, empowered the church, and much more! I invite you to be a part of this important sermon series! It can change your life! As you come to church this Sunday, come excited, believing and expecting. We are experiencing a 1st Century move of the Holy Spirit in the 21st Century church. I encourage you to be a part! -Pastor Carico |
Pastor Jeff CaricoPastor Carico is the Lead Pastor of First Assembly. Archives
January 2025
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