Church Family,
For August 2 and August 9 First Assembly will offer a Drive-In Worship Service in the church parking lot at 10:00 AM, and an on-line Worship Service to be posted on Facebook, YouTube, and the church website at 11:00 AM. In-House Worship will resume as soon as area numbers of illness cases begins to show signs of decreasing and providing a safer worship atmosphere. Thank you for your support, prayers, and understanding. The leadership of First Assembly asks that you join us as we pray for our area, churches, families, businesses, schools, and our nation. Our faith is in the Lord. We look to Him. We look forward to joining with you in worship of our Lord. Further information will be given as made available. Please continue to stay in touch via Facebook, YouTube and our church website as well as listen for announcements during our Worship Services. -First Assembly of God Leadership Team Pastor Jeff Carico
Church Family,
First Assembly is making plans to begin in-house worship services on Sunday, August 2, with one combined service at 10:00 AM. We will continue our on-line services as normal on Facebook, church website and YouTube. This week’s worship service will be on-line only. The leadership of First Assembly will monitor weekly the safety concerns of our area. If numbers of illness continues to increase in our area the length of time with on-line services only could be extended. We are earnestly and sincerely praying for healing and safety for our city, our area, our families, and our churches. We as church leadership of First Assembly take very seriously our responsibility for the health and safety of our congregation. We ask for your prayers, understanding and cooperation as we endeavor to make decisions for the well being of our church and congregation. We love the Lord, and we love you as a congregation. We are trying our best. We as a church family look forward to meeting on-line this Sunday for Worship Services of our Lord! -Pastor Carico and Church Leadership Team First Assembly of God 1400 Lee Highway Bristol, VA Dear Church Family,
In an effort to provide the safest worship experience for our congregation, First Assembly will be offering an online Worship Service for Sunday, July 19. Please join us on Facebook, church website or Youtube for Sunday’s service, Sunday at 11:00 AM. Our motivation in this decision is the safety and well being of our wonderful church family. We love and appreciate you so very much. As of now we only plan to modify our schedule for one week, so listen for further announcements. Weekly evaluations will be made as to when we restart our in-house Worship Services. Our Worship Services will continue in honor and worship of our Lord, simply in a different format. Let us all pray together: “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 With love to our Lord, and to all of you, Pastor Carico & Church Leadership Board First Assembly of God Bristol, VA |
Pastor Jeff CaricoPastor Carico is the Lead Pastor of First Assembly. Archives
February 2025
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