During his life and ministry Jesus had several confrontations with the religious leaders of his day. During the last period of his life these confrontations became more frequent, intense and personal. Such is the case recorded in Luke 15. Jesus was being criticized by the Pharisees for sharing his message with sinners. In response Jesus told them three parables:
-The Lost Sheep -The Lost Coin -The Lost Son (Prodigal Son) Each parable contained the same message of God’s desire for sinners to be reached with the message of salvation. But the last parable of the Prodigal Son contained a surprise and different ending. The ending was aimed at the Pharisees and described their attitude. It caused quite a firestorm! I invite you and your family to join me Sunday at 10:00 AM as we study this interesting portion of scripture. -Pastor Jeff Carico *all services available in person and online
Have you ever used the phrase, “I’ve got to find a way.”? We use it often and in many settings. We are always trying to find a way to get done what we need done.
Before believers in Christ were called “Christians” they were referred to as “people of ‘the way’”. Why do you think they were given that name, and what do you think it meant? Hum, that’s an interesting thought, isn’t it! The title of my Sunday sermon will be “People of ‘The Way’”. Morning Worship begins at 10:00 AM. I hope to see you and your family. 🙂 -Pastor Jeff Carico *all services are available in person and online Have the events of the past week shocked you? Surprised - yes! Shocked - no! For some time I have anticipated world events to take place. As Christians, we do not know exactly what events will take place or when they will happen. However, we do understand the plan of God for planet earth. Jesus is returning! This we know for certain!
In the month of July, First Assembly of God began a 3 month study course on the Book of Daniel and prophecies of the end times. For five weeks, I have been preaching a sermon series on the rapture of the church. I feel people are looking for Biblical answers to what is happening in today’s world. Then the events of the past week occurred. Is the timing of our study of God’s Word a sheer coincidence or the leading of the Holy Spirit? I invite you and your family to join us Sunday at 10:00 AM as we look into God’s Word for advice on how to understand the events of 2023. See you there! -Pastor Jeff Carico *All services are available in person and online In the last week the world has changed. During stressful times Jesus told us to remember that he is preparing a place for us and that he will return to receive us. The good news is that Jesus is returning! Let his words encourage you today:
“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:1-3 “Why are we seeing all of these things happen in America?”. Do you ever ask yourself that question? Do you believe the Bible provides the answer?
That will be the theme of this week’s sermon, “What does the Bible say about what’s happening in America”. I hope you and your family will join us this Sunday at 10:00 AM! God bless, -Pastor Jeff Carico *All services are available in person and online |
Pastor Jeff CaricoPastor Carico is the Lead Pastor of First Assembly. Archives
January 2025
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