Good Friday Remembrance
Friday, March 30 7:00 PM Resurrection Celebration Sunday, April 1 9:00 AM & 10:50 AM
Yesterday we observed Palm Sunday, Jesus' final entry into Jerusalem for Passover. This begins Jesus' week of passion.
Each day I will be posting on the home page of our website the events of this week. I encourage you to take the journey with us each day as we experience this week with Jesus. The journey ends Sunday morning with a celebration of an empty tomb! Good Friday Remembrance: March 30, 7:00 PM Resurrection Celebration: April 1, 9:00 AM & 10:50 AM -Pastor Jeff Carico First Assembly of God Bristol, VA Sunday I will continue the sermon series "The Journey To An Empty Tomb" with Jesus arriving at Bethany and his entrance into Jerusalem. Jesus enters into the city of Jerusalem and begins the final week before Calvary and the resurrection.
I invite you to take the journey with us here at First Assembly as we "Journey To An Empty Tomb". Without question, the tomb is empty! See you Sunday, -Pastor Jeff Carico First Assembly of God Bristol, VA Yesterday we followed the journey of Jesus as he made his last trip to Jerusalem for Passover. Along the way we are given the story of Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was a man who climbed a sycamore tree to get a glimpse of Jesus. Although Zacchaeus was a man shunned by society, Jesus went home with him and declared that salvation had come to the home of Zacchaeus!
My challenge is this: "Are you showing the loving attitude to others that Jesus showed toward Zacchaeus?" Today is a great opportunity to show the love of God to someone who needs to know that Jesus loves them! -Pastor Jeff Carico First Assembly of God Bristol, VA This Sunday we will continue our journey of Easter celebration with a sermon series entitled "The Journey To An Empty Tomb". We are reviewing the journey of Jesus and his disciples as they make Jesus' last trip to Jerusalem for Passover. The events that await Jesus are tragic, but end with an empty tomb!
I invite you to join us for our journey to an empty tomb. Let's celebrate together! -Pastor Jeff Carico First Assembly of God Bristol, VA Easter Events Friday, March 30, Good Friday Service, 7:00 PM Sunday, April 1, Easter Celebration Worship, 9:00 AM & 10:50 AM Yesterday's sermon followed the 15 mile journey of Jesus, along with his disciples, as he made his last trip to Jerusalem for Passover. Jesus knew that this trip to Jerusalem would end in Calvary, a mock trial, beatings, a crown of thorns, and death.
Jesus never lost his focus. To the very end of his life he was busy doing the will of his father. We, too, are on a journey. There is much we can learn from the example of Jesus. We must also be busy doing the will of our Heavenly Father. Let's keep our focus! Pastor Jeff Carico First Assembly of God Bristol, VA Sunday I will begin a sermon series entitled "The Journey To An Empty Tomb". With great excitement and passion we begin our journey to Easter Sunday Morning Worship! What a day of celebration we have planned! Here are some high points to anticipate:
-Sunday, March 25: Palm Sunday Worship Service, 9:00 AM & 10:50 AM -Friday, March 30: Good Friday Remembrance Worship Service, 7:00 PM, combined with First Christian Church, Guest Speaker: Pastor Herb Peak -Sunday, April 1, Easter Worship Celebration, 9:00 AM & 10:50 AM See you Sunday! -Pastor Jeff Carico First Assembly of God Bristol, VA Prayer Request: I ask that you remember in prayer my mother, Violet Carico, who suffered a stroke on Wednesday, March 7. She will celebrate her 90th birthday this month. Pray that she continues to stabilize, and for God's mercy and healing. In 2 Corinthians 5: 16-21 Paul implores (strongly encourages) the believers at Corinth to become "ministers of reconciliation". Paul explains that Jesus died for the sins of mankind, making reconciliation with God possible through him. Our job now as believers is to take this message of reconciliation to those we know.
I "implore" you today to spend some time in prayer and reflection, asking God to enlighten your heart and mind through the insight of the Holy Spirit, as to how you are to share this message of reconciliation. Perhaps the Holy Spirit will lay upon your heart someone who needs Jesus, or some task of compassion and concern you can perform for someone in need. As you begin to obey the prompting of the Holy Spirit, God will lead you on a "ministry of reconciliation". God bless, Pastor Jeff Carico First Assembly of God Bristol, VA Sunday Worship, March 4, 2018
The title of my Sunday sermon will be “The Ministry of Reconciliation”, 2 Corinthians 5: 16-21. I believe you will be challenged, encouraged and inspired by the Word of God! I look forward to seeing you Sunday as we gather together to worship Jesus! -Pastor Carico First Assembly of God Bristol, VA. |
Pastor Jeff CaricoPastor Carico is the Lead Pastor of First Assembly. Archives
February 2025
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